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Home > Esperienze > Attività didattiche

Paper-making workshop

Subiaco |  From Rome  From L’Aquila  From TIVOLI  From FIUGGI

Home > Esperienze > Attività didattiche

Paper-making workshop


 From Rome
 From L’Aquila

Children of tomorrow, probably, will even don’t know what a sheet of paper is…so let’s try, at least, to teach to today’s children how to make paper!

Kids will learn how long does it take to make a single sheet of paper and will improve their manual ability and skills with a centuries-old technique.

Il Colibrì

The Colibrì crew manages the public library in Subiaco, and they are focused on kids’ shows, readings and workshops to enhance reading attitude in children.

Treat your kids with the paper-making workshop, contact us!

Telephone and WhatsApp (+39 342.1938078) or email to (info@ethea.org).



Useful info

| Duration

2 hours

| Costs

costs vary according to the number of participants, contact us for a quotation.

| Participants

Minimum 10
maximum 20

| Location

Usually, it takes place in Subiaco fortress.


Accessible to everybody.

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