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Saint Scholastica Monastery |  from Rome  from L’Aquila  from TIVOLI  from FIUGGI

Saint Scholastica Monastery


 from Rome
 from L’Aquila
 from TIVOLI
 from FIUGGI

Would you like to read all the info about Saint Scholastica Monastery (Subiaco)? Click here!

It is the oldest Benedictine monastery in the world, founded by Saint Benedict in person in VI Century. One-thousand and fifty years of history in one harmonious building. Meet the monks, as our guides tell you everything about their daily life and history, the Art enshrined in the cloisters and the Cathedral and listen to the life of Saint Benedict of Nursia. Visit with us the library read the original medieval manuscripts and listen to the story about the first printed book in Italy.

« As God’s servant daily increased in virtue and became continually more famous for miracles, many were led by him to the service of almighty God in the same place. By Christ’s assistance, he built there twelve Abbeys… »

Gregory the Great, The Dialogues

Then the Cathedral, Giacomo Quarenghi’s neoclassical artwork, the last one of the various edifications that succeeded during a millennium and a half. Just under the Cathedral floor, the basis of the little Saint Sylvester monastery from which everything got started, still exist.
Every day Saint Scholastica Monastery opens its gate to those who want to make a trip back in time and in the soul.  Let’s visit it together, let’s visit it with Ethea!

Visit Saint Scholastica Monastery with Ethea!

More info here



useful info


EVERY DAY: 9.00 A.M. – 12.30A.M. and 3.30 P.M. – 7.00 P.M.


Sunday, 10.00 A.M. and 4.15 P.M.


Free entrance.
This is a holy place. Visitors must be properly dressed: no bare feet, shoulders and legs covered at least to the knees.


Public toilets, gift shop and guest house


Yes, touristic buses are OK. All kind of buses can reach the Monastery car park, double-decker buses too.


Not suitable for people with mobility impairments. Wheel chair can only enter in the first and second cloister

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