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Touristic road train

Subiaco |  From Rome  From L’Aquila  From TIVOLI  From FIUGGI

Home > Esperienze > Attività

Touristic road train


 From Rome
 From L’Aquila
 From Tivoli
 From Fiuggi

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Hop on hop off with Aniene Express

Aniene Express road train is the perfect solution for a sightseeing tour of Subiaco and its surrounding.

An open-coaches train with 60 seats, will allow you to see the landmarks of Subiaco in a safe and cozy way.

Contact us for a tour on the touristic road train!

Telephone or Whatsapp (+39 342.1938078) email (info@ethea.org).



Useful info

 | When

Available only in spring, and summer or autumn in good weather conditions. The coaches are covered (if needed, also on the sides).

| Itinerary

The best-selling tour is the “Hop on- Hop off” from Subiaco town centre to Subiaco monasteries. Adolfo and our licensed guide will be on the train with you, showing you around Subiaco and the Aniene Valley. The itinerary can be adapted according to your needs. Don’t hesitate to contact us.

| Accessibility

Suitable for everyone

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