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Il Salame del Re

Subiaco |  From Rome   from L’Aquila  from TIVOLI  from FIUGGI

Il Salame del Re


 From Rome  From L’Aquila  From TIVOLI  From FIUGGI

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Salame del Re roll cake is a fluffy cake sponge wrapped with Nutella. It is as simple as delicious. We don’t know anything about its origins, who invented it and when. What we know for sure is that Salame del Re is the perfect breakfast, dessert, snack, present and souvenir here in Subiaco. There are many versions of this cake pretty everywhere, but only in Subiaco is so popular and appreciated.

Would you like to learn how to make the Salame del Re?

Ehm, sorry, we still haven’t a workshop for this…

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