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Saint Francis Cloister

Subiaco |  From Rome  From L’Aquila  From TIVOLI  from FIUGGI

Saint Francis Cloister


 From Rome
 From L’Aquila
 from TIVOLI

By reading the chronicles, it seems that more Saints than Christians have passed through Subiaco!
In 1223 Cardinal Ugolino, the future Pope Gregory IX, accepted to consecrate a new chapel in the Monastery of Saint Benedict in Subiaco, and asked Saint Francis from Assisi, who obviously hadn’t become saint yet, to come along. But Francis was quite famous indeed, so much as to get a present from Subiaco’s Abbot: the
ancient Saint Peter’s oratory, located at the gates of the city.
« It came to Subiaco (…) the Saint known by the name of Francis from Assisi(…) . To him the Abbot(…) donated the church of Saint Peter upon the Aniene river… »

Livio Mariani, Storia di Subiaco e suo distretto Abbaziale

We don’t know if Saint Francis appreciated it. We surely know that Subiaco’s people came promptly in contact with Franciscan spirituality, so much as to support the construction of the cloister that we can see nowadays. A cloister simple in its structure and fascinating in its position, a sacred space in which artworks of extraordinary value are treasured.

The altarpiece by Antoniazzo Romano in 1464 enshrines a Virgin Mary so beautiful as to be easily compared with Botticelli’s ladies. The nearby chapel frescoed by Antonio Bazzi, called “Il Sodoma”, tells us about Virgin Mary’s life through episodes of uncommon humanity, in which domestic animals enlivened the houses and the patrons were depicted with their typical Sublacensis clothes.

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Useful info

 | Opening hours

The nuns open to visitors who ask to see the church. So it is good to appropriately choose at what time to show up. It is a holy place, therefore the dress code is mandatory: no bare feet, no shorts, shoulders must be covered.


Saturday 4:00 P.M.
Sunday 9:00 A.M. and 11:00 A.M.

| Ticket Entrance

Entrance is free of charge however we suggest you give a liberal offer to the nuns, who take care of the maintenance of the building.

| Facilities

Guesthouse, dining hall and toilets. Booking is mandatory.

| Car Park

Cars and buses are allowed. Parking is out of charge


Wheelchairs allowed.

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