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  • Old town centre

Altipiani di Arcinazzo

  • Places


  • Anagni Cathedral and crypt
  • Boniface the VIII Palace
  • Old town Centre

Trevi nel Lazio

  • Old town centre






Altipiani di Arcinazzo


Trevi nel Lazio


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Beautiful sites to visit in Ciociaria


Altipiani di Arcinazzo


Trevi nel Lazio

·  1 hour and ¼ from Rome
·  1 hour and ¾ fromL’Aquila
·  ½ hour from Fiuggi
·  1 hour from Tivoli



Old Town Centre

A thousand years old necropolis, founded by mythological personages will welcome you in Alatri, in Ciociaria area. This lovely town, homes to surprising medieval churches and mysterious legends from the past.

·  1 hour and ½ fromRome
·  1 hour and ½ fromL’Aquila
·  ¼ hour from Fiuggi
·  1 hour from Tivoli

Altipiani di

Rome · Frosinone

Even if Altipiani di Arcinazzo doesn’t have an old town center, it has got one of the most remarkable archaeological area near Rome: the emperor Trajan Villa!

·  1 hour from Rome
·  1 ora ½ da L’Aquila
·  ¼ hour from Fiuggi
·  ¾ hour from Tivoli



Anagni Cathedral and crypt

Walk on the colored XIII cent. marble mosaic pavement, marvel at the mysterious frescoes enshrined in the crypt.

 Boniface the VIII Palace

This is the noble palace once belonged to the Pope who invented the Jubilee year and eventually got slapped by the king of France. A pretty interesting story that worth being known!

Old town centre

Palazzo Barnekow and the city hall are two landmarks of the picturesque old town center.

·  1 hour and ½ from Rome
·  1 hour and ¾ fromL’Aquila
·  ½ hour from Fiuggi
·  1 hour and ¼ from Tivoli


nel Lazio

 old town center

A medieval tower stands out against the mountains. This means you’ve finally got to Trevi castle.

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