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Saint Benedict’s little lake and waterfall

Subiaco| From Rome  From L’Aquila  From TIVOLI  From FIUGGI

Saint Benedict’s little lake and waterfall


 From Rome
 From L’Aquila

Looking for info on how to visit Saint Benedict’s little lake and waterfall in Subiaco? Click here!

The Saint Benedict’s little lake and waterfall in Subiaco is a pond along the canyon of the Aniene river near Subiaco, Just half an hour walking from the town centre. It is a great option if you want to be in contact with nature and historic heritage since the little lake is very close to the Subiaco Benedictine monasteries and the Emperor Nero’s Villa Ruins.


Aloud waterfall flowing down will welcome you as you reach the very bottom of the canyon of the Aniene river. This is an oasis of peace and calm as you walk to the end of a trail along the quiet and the crystalline river. Hike through a lush dell, immerse yourself in the freezy waters of the Aniene and listen to the stories of this little corner of heaven near Rome.

The trail is just ten minutes and very easy to walk. It is very close to the Benedictine Monasteries of Subiaco and to the Emperor Nero’s Villa Ruins, so you can visit it all in one day.

VISIT the little lake of Saint Benedict and waterfall with ETHEA!

For more info click here!!



Useful info

| How to get to the little lake and waterfall of Saint Benedict

The little lake and waterfall of Saint Benedict are close to the Emperor Nero’s Villa ruins: once you are in front of the archeological site, go ahead and take the road to the right flanking the river Aniene. After about one kilometre, you will get to a picnic area from which the trail leading to the little ake starts.

| Ticket entrance

Costs: 1,5€
| Admission

Updated 12 July 2020

The access to the little lake of Saint Benedict is under fixed quota, there can be no more than 60 people at once for a maximum of 15/20 minutes. So, yes: you will have only time to take a selfie and then

July 2020 updates: on Sat and Sun you can get there by touristic road train or by the free shuttle bus. Aat your disposal. the time schedule for the free shuttle bus. supplied by the City of Subiaco. We kindly ask you to park outside the parking lots: you’d rather leave your car in Subiaco public car park and than go there by the shuttle bus: it is free, easy, and this will avoid expensive fines.

So, what are you going to do later? Subiaco, Livata and the stunning Natural Regional Park of Simbruini Mountains They are ready to marvel you, just one hour-driving from Rome.
Let yourself be tempted by our Art&Walk Tour; take a deep breath…of ART!

| Car Park

Nearby the pic-nic area there are about 10 park lots. Other ones (about 4/5) opposite the Emperor Nero’s Villa Ruins.
Please be noted it is forbidden to park along the road to the Benedictine Monasteries.

| Services


There is a picnic area yet without trees, so totally under the sun.

| When

In summer this place will bliss you out! Watch out: in high season, especially on weekends visitors literally rush it, so better go there on weekdays. It is pretty enjoyable in the first days of spring and the first days of Autumn, but definitely not in winter, too cold!!



Easy: generally in good condition. For young and elderly. N.B.

In the peak season, the access to the lake is limited: due to the high number of visitors, the narrow spaces and for security reasons, the managing authority can limit the access to the site. If you want to be sure to be allowed to enter and skip the line, book a tour with us!

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